

Breathwork Session

RAUM Hollandstraße 7, Wien, Austria

We are excited to announce our first official workshop on the 30th of November, which offers hands-on experience in contrast to our more intellectual talks. In addition to psychedelic substances, […]


Psychedelic Punsch

PSV Homebase Sagedergasse 18, Wien, Door between Bipa and Billa, Austria

As we reflect on the past year since unveiling our new venue and hosting numerous events, we're thrilled to invite you to a celebration of the incredible journey we've experienced […]

Movie Night – Descending the Mountain

PSV Homebase Sagedergasse 18, Wien, Door between Bipa and Billa, Austria

It is time again for a movie night at our homebase! „What happens when you administer psilocybin to experienced zen meditators? A neuroscientist and a zen master carry out a double-blind […]

Schamanismus, Ethnobotanik und Bewusstseinserweiterung

PSV Homebase Sagedergasse 18, Wien, Door between Bipa and Billa, Austria

This Talk will be held in german: Schamanismus findet sich in den ältesten Kulturen der Menschheit und hat diese bis heute geprägt. Dabei verstehen sich Schamanen als Vermittler*innen zwischen der […]


Psychedelics & Compassion

This talk with workshop elements will explore psychedelics from the perspective of compassion and social behavior and shed light on the potential synergies between psychedelics and compassion-based interventions. I'll present […]

Mindful Trips: Contemplative Practices & Non-Ordinary States

This workshop series offers a comprehensive introduction to various contemplative practices designed to help you prepare for, navigate, and integrate experiences in non-ordinary states of consciousness while simultaneously enhancing your […]

Explorations of a Psychonaut – Hyperspaceboarding

PSV Homebase Sagedergasse 18, Wien, Door between Bipa and Billa, Austria

Next to shamanic healing practices or psychotherapeutic uses of psychedelic substances, there was always the realm of consciousness exploration and metaphysical inquiry into the nature of reality. This quest brings […]

Mindful Trips: Contemplative Practices & Non-Ordinary States

This workshop series offers a comprehensive introduction to various contemplative practices designed to help you prepare for, navigate, and integrate experiences in non-ordinary states of consciousness while simultaneously enhancing your […]

Mindful Trips: Contemplative Practices & Non-Ordinary States

This workshop series offers a comprehensive introduction to various contemplative practices designed to help you prepare for, navigate, and integrate experiences in non-ordinary states of consciousness while simultaneously enhancing your […]

Psychedelic Community Picknick

Grillplatz 9 Grillplatz 9, Wien

Before we go into our summer break we would like to gather and spend a warm summer day with you. Therefore we would love to invite you to our upcoming […]

Mindful Trips: Contemplative Practices & Non-Ordinary States

This workshop series offers a comprehensive introduction to various contemplative practices designed to help you prepare for, navigate, and integrate experiences in non-ordinary states of consciousness while simultaneously enhancing your […]